Finished Project – Log Cabin Socks.

When I pick a knitting project, I usually have my attention grabbed by something that is stitched in light and airy lace. Like a shawl.  Or something pretty straightforward and quick, like dishcloths. I love shawls. I have a plethora of shawl patterns in my Raverly favorites, and more than I should waiting in line in my que.    But lately a few cable projects have piqued my interest.

Actually I saw these Log Cabin Socks in the book Hand Knit Holidays…  ( Which buy the way I bought because I fell in love with the Swedish Heart-Warmer Shawl.  I told you I loved shawls. It is a sickness. )….  and thought they would make a great gift for my In-Laws.

My in-laws live in CO,  and my FIL works in construction outside often.  I wanted to make him and her something to help them relax in the evening and stay warm. And since this pattern is written for a His and Hers version, I thought this would be perfect!  I made them a matching set.  Blue for mom and Green for dad.

Log Cabin Socks Blocking

Log Cabin Socks Blocking

This pair took me about 2 1/2, almost 3 months, of knitting off and on.  They are his Christmas,  New Years, early Birthday present.   I knit these up using 2 skeins of Lion Brand Wool-ease in Avocado Green, and size 6 Addi Turbo 47″ circulars. I really did enjoy working on these. I can imagine that they will enjoy wearing them together while watching TV, or while warming in front of their wood burning stove.

Wool-Ease seemed to do ok for these socks, since the resulting socks were nice and stretchy, but still warm and comfy.  And it was yarn I had on hand in my stash.  All my previous projects knit with Lion Brand have seemed to wear well. I believe these will be worn for a while.

Log Cabin Socks Front and Back

Log Cabin Socks Side View

Log Cabin Socks Side View

Wire Hanger Sock Blockers

Wire Hanger Sock Blockers

I don’t have sock blockers. Or I didn’t.  But thanks to a FB friend….. I found a video tutorial on how to make sock blockers simply using wire hangers.  I just happened to have two wire hangers. So I gave it a try!   Here are my blockers.  They are not perfect.  But they worked!  What do you think?

My next project is Yggdrasil.  Also being knit for my In-Laws.   This upcoming fall will be their 40th anniversary.  My mother and father in law has been there for us and have done a lot for us, even more than they realize.  And I wanted to do something really special for them on their 40th.

This is another cable intensive project with the tree roots and branches.  And two borders of Celtic Braid cabling. And then a smaller leaf motif with cabling.   It will also challenge my grafting skills.  But I need to improve in grafting anyway.

About to cast on for Yggdrasil

I will be casting on using Plymouth Yarn size 10.5 DPNS, and Plymouth Yarn Encore Colorspun #7764. I know the color is a little off in this picture. But the colorway is brown with hints of green throughout the strands.   I thought this would be perfect for the tree and branches in the center panel.

I also have a large stash of Unger Fluffy, that was given to me last year, that I hope to use. It is a brushed acrylic, and I know some say brushed acrylic does not work for cables.   But I will be doing a swatch with it just to see how it works. If it works, then great… I can use this for a stashbuster project!  If not… it’s just a reason to go buy more yarn. 🙂

The weather here is down right cold and dreary. A fresh pot of coffee is percolating on the stove.  We are expecting icy conditions, which means I will not be venturing forth unless absolutely necessary.  I would say that means more knitting time for me tonight. But the piles of laundry are taking over the living spaces in our home, and they must be corralled and tamed.

I just might even get a little stir crazy from the caffeine and mop the floors. Don’t count on that though.

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